In a tribal settlement surrounded by the dense rainforest of South America, a young girl discovers that the river that sustains her community is drying up. She embarks on a perilous journey to find the source of the problem and restore the river to its former glory, facing dangerous enemies and unexpected allies along the way.

Playing only works in fullscreen mode!

How to play: Place your characters in the front line, depending on the row you want to use. The objective is to guide all characters to the end of the left side of the battleground. Avoid the soldiers! Once you finish your placement, left-click on the tile where you want to move your character. Your characters have a special ability that can be activated by right-clicking and can only be used once per battle. Note that no characters can be placed on rows with obstacles. Some soldiers move, while others stand still. If you shoot a stationary soldier, their surrounding defenses will fall. Use this to your advantage to finish the battle, but most importantly, coordinate your characters to solve the challenges.

Press spacebar to skip text in cutscenes.


Girl: Throws a stone downwards in a vertical line.
Hunter: Shoots a blowdart straight.
Warrior: Shoots an arrow straight and can hit multiple soldiers.
Diablo Huma: Uses magic in a diagonal line.

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